

I'm sandy, 17.✡
A unknown future.
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20 July 2012

Turn up the love.

Ok...... After like so long , I am back to blogging.
So I went to school and I went for my dentist appointment .
My problem was that my gum hurts x10000000 due to growing of wisdom teeth.
It was my visit there and so, I always disliked visiting dentist / clinic/ hospital etc .
I just hate injections no matter what/where as long as it is on me.
So the doctor was shocked when he heard this . He asked me for my age and I replied him 17.
He was like....... " Normally people pluck out / grow wisdom tooth at the age of 18-22".
HAHA. So it was infection and thank god that my wisdom tooth is straight hehe.
Which means I don't have to have an operation on my tooth. The doctor put some medicine
inside and it was like done within 10mins. Went home after that ~

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